Monday, June 26, 2023

You're a health coach, not a dictator

Got an e-mail from the Health Coach ths morning saying she had conferred with the Physical Therapist and I officially have permission to stop doing the painful exercises (that I stopped immediately). Gee, ya think? Do I really, finally have your official authorization to stop doing something that caused so much unrelenting and repeated pain? Gosh, thanks. I mean, I’d never thought she thought so much of herself that she’d expect I would keep doing activities that caused so much pain I coulnd’t concentrate and took prescription medication before I officiaolly had her permission to stop. Whatever. Good news is I’ve been pain free for two days. Yay.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Pain, pain, go away

Small adjustable weights still sound somewhat tempting, you know, for someday when it doesn’t hurt to stretch or breathe deeply. When I can actually concentrate reading product reviews because my pack and shoulders aren’t hurting so much that I can't think straight.

What the heck happened? Fine, I admit the first day I underestimated how unflexible I was and overdid it. Since it didn’t hurt right away, and I didn’t have very prompt feedback from my body that what I was doing was bad. Dear Body, I am so sorry about this. I did not mean to ignore you. You have my full attention. We tried to rest and back things up a bit, and I really thought we were doing ok. I have no idea where this pain came from 2 days ago that is so ridiculously unrelenting. I think we still need to move gently a little once in a while. Please tell me what is acceptable to do. I have no idea anymore.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Wimpy Weights?

I never lifted very heavy weights, but in my youth I had no problem with my little set of 5, 8, and 10 pounders. Might even have a 12 around here somewhere. But really not that heavy for hand weights, right? Long stupid story, couple years ago I developed tennis elbow in my left non-dominant hand from strength exercises, and it still plagues me. While I’ve increased reps with 5-8 pounds on my right side, the left I can’t get past 5 pounds and 5 reps of anything without delayed pain and burning. If I use the tension strap, I can get past that, but I used it so much the Velcro is almost worn out. At a certain point it seems redic if I can’t do anything without using the darned strap. I’ve mentioned this annoyance in passing to my providers (not the main point of the visit) and they always tell me to do less and less. Work your way up to 2 pounds. Don’t use weights at all. Uhm, excuse me? I’m doing this sculpted arm video the Health Coach gave me, and while it does get my heart-rate up, I cannot fathom how it would ever promote building muscle or “sculpting.” But maybe, just maybe, if one added some reasonably small weights . . . I don’t think I’d want to start off with my 5 pounders, which are the smallest I have. But 2, 3, 4, whatever, which previously seemed so ridiculously wimpy. Thought maybe if one used them during walking videos (did I mention I can’t walk outside like a normal person?) and such, maybe they could earn their place. Yes, know one can use a can or bottle of water. Whatever one has lying around. I think I’d prefer the sock full of pennies or some denser weight. And what happens if I drop the can or bottle and it explodes all over the place? I tried a can of noodle soup here, and it’s so large it’s unwieldy. I’m not saying I need to look sleek and stylish, but there’s a point the size or form doesn’t work well.

Monday, June 19, 2023

So Sore

Did I mention getting old sucks? Gone are the days I could try to do something moderate and not regret it. I have to admit not everything is sore, but boy, it’s a lot more than I would have predicted. And as I said, I’m not good with pain, even if it’s reasonable soreness. It makes me not want to move to accentuate the discomfort. All I’m doing is trying these beginner non-standing exercises, and when I’m tired and the person keeps going, I take a little break to recover until I feel ready again. I seriously don’t feel I’m over-doing anything. So to feel this much after-soreness seems surprising. If I’m already this sore, doing this little, it does not feel encouraging, as it may only get worse. But I’m trying to hang in there and not take a day off, as I’m pretty sure that’ll only prolong things as well. All I can do it hope that my ability eventually catches up for a tiny bit before I need to push myself farther and go back to being more sore again.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Evil Stretches?

It took until Friday for the back pain to subside enough for me to gingerly attempt any more new exercises. Pretty sad. I have some tiny simple leg and arm ones I can do, that I have done, off and on, but nothing else adventurous. Friday I finally re-wound the stretches for elderly video that was recommended, and I believe I found the culprit. Luckily I barely did anything, because I was so scared and tentative. The neck stretches made my spine pop and seemed supect, and caused notable discomfort in the same areas of my back as before, within a couple of hours, so I think we have a winner. The silliness is stretches are supposed to be good for you. Generally the least dangerous thing one can supposedly do. I guess the verdict is that I am so feeble and decrepit I can somehow cause pretty massive pain by simply stretching. I do have other back-specific stretches I’ve tried with success. The Health Coach was swift and adamant to tell me how dangerous that is. Yes, anyone can post anything online. I only did ones recommended by supposed doctors and physical therapists, but I admit I didn’t do background checks on them first. I also tried them slowly and skeptically, but they did help. The point is what little I had in my arsenal, I was scolded for using. Then I try the stuff they recommend and end up on muscle relaxants for a couple of days. Hmmm, ok. I have gone back to undertaking no more than one new exercise per day. I also started tediously detailed notes about everything. How long it took for pain to set in, how much it worsened, how much medicine I took without relief. My spouse suspects perhaps it was a pinched nerve. Who knows. I'm not going anywhere near that type of movement again for a very long while. If nothing else, it did allow me to re-evaluate my perspective. Previously I said everything seemed to hurt. Oh how wrong I was.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

New Adventures in Pain

Got some beginner exercises from the health coach. Kinda cool that everything is seated. Unfortunately I forgot the suggestion that I only try only one at a time. The idea that if anything hurts, you can easily identify what it was. I didn’t realize some things might not hurt until hours later. Not the sore - I over did a good thing hurt. Like, this exercise is not meant for my current body and is evil kind of hurt.

It’s not like I tried all of them. The leg and ankle ones were a piece of cake. I tried a couple neck stretches that seemed ok, but I got impatient and wanted to do some strength training. I tried a couple for abs, mainly to see if I could follow the instructions and had a chair that would work (I do not). Then I did one 15 minute arm workout and discovered out how easily one can get an aerobic/cardio workout without using legs or feet.

About three hours later I started to feel a little sore, and thought, wow, that was fast (usually it’s the next day). Four hours later my spine felt like it was on fire. Otc pills didn’t help, so I ended up raiding the medicine cabinet for a previously prescribed muscle relaxant so I could get some sleep.

Yep, I'm not healthy and invincible anymore. I seriously did not think I overdid it that badly. I thought maybe my arms would be a little tender from the length of use, but they're fine. I'm thinking it had to be the ab ones, since that's parallel to the back. Hurt from my skull down to my hips. The two gentle neck stretches should not have done that much damage.

So I'm backing down from turtle-pace to snail pace. Maybe start again tomorrow, or whenever I feel sufficiently recovered. I piddly type of exercise per day. Even then, I'm still scared to try the ones from yesterday. Maybe 1 rep and wait? Oye.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Collecting Resources

I found a few interesting resources through work. I was encouraged to talk to the insurance’s Care Coordinator, who referred me to a Health Coach and Dietician. Definition of Care Coordinator: person hired to get after people who have chronic conditions that cost the company more money than they would like. While I do have chronic issues, I don’t think I cost them too much money. I mainly have some prescriptions, dental visits, and annual wellness crud. At any rate, the CC hooked me up with a health coach and dietician. The Health Coach said they would suggest some exercises (which I am welcome to reject) and a plan to progress. The Dietician, but they want to talk for an hour during the workday. My department policy is to give at least two weeks notice for any appointments, even f there are plenty of people still working and you make up the time. So that will have to wait. Interesting possible resources lined up that I don’t have to pay for.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

All or Nothing Teaching

I have issues with all-or-nothing-thinking. But let’s acknowledge everyone learngs things from somewhere. Maybe some of us are especially good at picking up negative habits. But it’s still usually influenced from somewhere. Today I’d like to acknowledge all the dorks who helped me have a crappy attitude.

The doctor who told me you HAVE to exercise at least 25-30 minutes or else there’s no point. Thank you so much for that professional view that haunts me even when I disagree with you for years. So if you have a couple 15 minute breaks, or can only talk a walk for part of your lunch, don’t bother, because it’s absolutely useless and doesn’t do anything. I realize what you meant was it won’t burn enough calories to get past sugar and start burning fat. But this really wasn’t helpful advice. Every time I try to do a little here or there, or baby steps, I imagine you mocking me.

The provider at the orthopaedic place who told me I should never, ever go hiking again. No uneven surfaces whatsover. Thank you. What little I thought I could look forward to and enjoy if I ever got back into shape, has been dashed to pieces. In my youth I used to exercise thinking of how I was training and preparing to go on beaufiful hikes. I'd push the incline because I knew it would not only burn calories and get my heart rate up, but it would help me do something I could look forward to. To tell me it’ll ruin my knees if I ever walk on uneven ground is basically telling me not to bother being healthy at all. If I can’t do anything fun whether I’m out of shape or healthy, there’s no point working for the latter.

The nurse that told me to not worry about walking or aerobic activity and focus on weights; uhm, that wasn’t necessarily helpful either. I get that you were trying to say focus on weights more, but you just told me to ditch the walks I was doing three times a day at work and veg and look at my phone. Could you please work on your phrasing? I already blow things out of proportion. Don’t tell me not to worry about walking, because what my brain hears is “don’t bother walking.”

The specialist who said don’t bother strength training. Yes, I am big enough that flapping my arms around might do something, but really? You’re going to tell me to ditch the 8 pound weights and dio nothing? I get that most of your patients are old and frail, so maybe you think we’re all going to snap like a twig. But you’re basically telling me to give up and stop what little progress I’ve made. Do you teach a course in “Giving up and waiting to die” too? You talked to me like a three-year-old telling me that even two-pound weights are sooooo heavy.

Now I've been told don't walk, do weights, and don't do weights, they're heavy. Don't hike, don't go outside (yet a different health issue). No wonder I've started down the slope of "if it hurts, bag it." Thanks for all your unhealthy advice. Please stop. It's as bad as the nurse who told me no dietary changes would help my cholesterol unless I cut out all fat (did you know even some plants contain fat?) and would not allow me to leave without taking a prescription she promised would ruin my liver and possibly my kidneys. You know what? I took some natural supplements and lowered my total 20 points in 6 months. So go bite me. You weren't helpful either.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Getting Old Sucks

Getting old sucks. Stinks. Whatever unpleasant or colorful verb or adjective you’d like to insert here. I think when you’re a teenager, you have a degree of believing you’re invincible (at least in my society). You think you know better than parents, teachers, or other adults. You think you can conquer the world, and that you’re capable of anything. It can also creep into belief about your physical prowess, and believing nothing really bad or catastrophic will happen to you. Other people, sure, but not you. I thought I grew out of this by my 30’s, but I can see a shred of it was still left in me until later. Lose muscle mass after 40? Oh, that only happens to other people who aren’t active and let themselves go. Sure, the society as a whole works boring desk jobs and is tired or that or taking care of family by that time, so it makes sense that everyone thinks it’s inevitable. But not me, right? If I keep up the same routine of being active? Surely that won’t happen to me, right?

Yeah, reality checks stink too sometimes. Now that I’m well . . . a lot past 40, and to the point that I’m getting applicatios for old-people things (in my country, AARP, Medicare), I’m trying to check in with reality. Thankfully I haven’t had any drastic health issues, but here and there, little nastiness that I feel entitled to feel a little miffed at (resentful? Entitled to gripe or have a mini pity party?)

This is an attempt to think through things and get myself on a better path. Probably in itty, bitty baby steps, because I’m a big ol’ weenie. At least I know it. In my younger years, I took great care warming up and cooling down, because I did not want soreness and pain to be an excuse not to exercise. It did help. I new how to listen to my body and what I could reasonably accomplish. Not so sure about now. Let’s just say that I hurt a lot more than I reasonably should. If I want to change that, I’ve got to figure out a plan. I’ve got to work past those pity parties about why this or that is so hard or unfair and figure out a solution, even if it’s baby steps. Who better to give myself advice than me?

I certainly never wanted to go to those revered personal trainers I heard about that pushed people so hard they vomited after most sessions. Uhm, unless bulimia was the planned fringe benefit to help lose weight? No, not for me. I’m more of the slower than a turtle-sloth lifestyle sustainable changes, and even then, I’ve failed at multiple programs designed around that.

Sadly I admit I’ve started down that nasty path of if it hurts, fine, I don’t wanna do that, or I do less and less. That forecasts me being the little old lady who refuses to do physical therapy after a fall and never gets out of bed the rest of her life. I think I’d rather be that weird old lady who makes (very slow) laps around the assisted living or nursing center even if it takes her 3 hours to cover a couple of miles. Good socializing that way, right?

I’m a horrible introvert and diagnosed depression, so I know social connections are important. So is exercise. I no longer have goals of getting down to this weight or into that size. But when you feel cruddy all the time because you’re old and things hurt and you stay in and don’t go anywhere . . . You see this can get into a nasty downward spiral. I guess I'll attempt blogging about this in an effort to shake off this funk.