I could go ramble on for quite some time how I developed my theory on animal guides (or animal spirits, animal totems, whatever you prefer to call them). I think we can learn from almost any animal, regardless of whether you buy into the idea of having certain animals connected to you, or assigned to teach or look out for you. Sometimes I notice animals in real life and wonder what they might be trying to teach me. Other times, I have what I can merely describe as a somewhere between a hankering and a yearning for an animal. If I were at a zoo or aquarium, I’d want to hang out by that animal all day. Or if I don’t have the opportunity to be around one in real life, I’ll usually get the craving to buy or collect things with that animal—I might browse for pictures online, or look for collectables on ebay. It’s like I want to surround myself with some semblance of the animal.
Lately I’ve had a thing for sea lions. Not the first time. If there is such a thing as an animal spirit/guide, sea lions would definitely be on my list. You’d have to agree if you’ve ever smelled them. I’ve gone to the Sea Lion Caves on the Oregon coast, and spent hours there, regardless of the odor. I don’t even notice it, I’m so enthralled with the animals. Maybe I can dig up a video tape of that—that might help. I have a small picture of sea lions at my desk (I like pictures), but right now it’s like I want a near-life-sized mural too. Or a huge stuffed animal to hug. Ironically, as I was searching for photos online, I did find a pattern one can crochet to make a stuffed sea lion. It was only a few inches though, and even though I crochet a little, I’m not good at patterns. I want something body-pillow sized. I’m sure I got some souvenirs when I was at the coast. Maybe I should dig them out. If I had any idea where they are (remember, we just moved, and most things are still in boxes). Or maybe it’ll pass
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