Friday, January 31, 2020

Sparking Joy at work (not)

Now if only we could spark joy at work. I already know I have a joyless job. Maybe that’s partially why I compensate by having tons of personal “stuff” around. They’re attempting to remodel though, so they’ve warned us to take everything non-essential home. Glack. All I did was take extra pens and pictures home, and I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. I still have half a spice cabinet there and my mock medicine cabinet (vitamins and supplements) so my space is far from tidy or uncluttered. I’m very particular about the pens l like, so only having a few means it’s almost catastrophic if I misplace one. Not that I really needed 30+ there in an attractive pen-holder. But I seriously have to figure out some way to have something joyful there because I don’t think I can last long like this. And they haven’t even moved us into the smaller spaces yet where there won’t be room for anything. Not even cubicles, where one could at least decorate. Just open desks, barely big enough to fit keyboard and computer screens. I’ve been dreading it in the back of my mind for some time, as the construction slowly moved around the company. For the workplace almost being a “home away from home” where one sometimes spends the majority of waking hours, it sure seems like it’s going to be a listless barren . . . wasteland seems to be the best descrition.

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