Saturday, April 13, 2024

10% and Crocs

Finally lost 10% of my total body weight since I started late December. I was happy excited for a few hours, then ho hum. Part of me is paranoid if I’m not super careful, the scale will tip back up just over that milestone. Though I’m taking my weight with shoes, and they weigh a little over a pound, so that’s a tiny buffer. Still I guess it’s something. I can’t tell anyone who knows me in real life since they wouldn’t believe it. Thus I'm posting here.

Part of me still wonders when all this regular uplifting goodness comes from being more active and eating so much better. The only salt I’m having is from occasionl processed foods, like salsa or the spoon of sauce I had on my steamed veggies the other day. My leg is still ridiculously large, so that didn’t seem to help yet, if it would at all.

in other exciting news, after 9 weeks of constantly wearing super cushy Hoka Clifton 9 shoes and arch support inserts (sold separately), the podiatrist said I could gradually start wearing Crocs a few minutes a day and build up. They’re more supportive than sandals, he claims. Need to work down before barefoot, and who knows if I can ever go barefoot again. I have no idea about any other supposed arch support imitation brands, but the doc said Crocs, so Crocs it is. With all the effort and money I’ve already spent on my foot, I’m not going to risk going generic.

19 days until surgery.

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