Monday, October 9, 2023

Surgeon eenie, meenie minie . . .

Finally, my activity and weight-lifting restrictions are lifted from a procedure last week. The good news is my sedentary week didn’t lead to any weight gain, so I’ll take that win. I know I'm a wimp, but everything hurt. It hurt to fold laundry. So I just got the ice packs back out and gave up.

Now I get to worry and fret that at the surgical consult coming up, they don’t roll their eyes at me like everything is my fault for being overweight. Even if I start severe caloric restriction right now, there’s only so much progress I could make in a few weeks. I researched surgeons all weekend and even though I could read their qualifications and years experience, the one I worry I could not assuage is if they’ll treat me seriously as a patient when I’m overweight. I don’t know if some providers think overweight people are non-compliant or otherwise don’t take care of ANY of their health since it would seem obvious they don’t care about their weight enough to be in better shape in that regard. I’ve had a few snarly providers, and while they didn’t say that directly, I start to wonder what else it would be. Doubtful they don’t like people wearing blue shirts, or athletic shoes, or who have certain color hair or height . . . if they know so much, they might occasionally get tired of patients being ignorant. Being overweight may scream to some of them that I don’t care about any of my health. But I guess it’s up to me to get rid of the weight so no one has the opportunity to think that, huh?

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