Friday, July 7, 2023

Not too Sore, but Hot

Attempted 40 seconds of each arm exercise, 20 second rest inbetween. Afterwards had a warm shower, massaged muscle area with spiky ball, stretched a little (need to look up specific stretches), 2 aleve before bed. People keep saying lots of water, but I already have 3-4 30 ounce glasses by the time I’m off work, so I don’t normally keep chugging unless I want to get up all night. I did make sure I had a couple smaller glasses though. Felt ok this morning; barely felt a little tenderness that some musles had indeed been used. Today it’s already 99 F and I dread exercising in the heat. Indoors isn’t quite that bad, but bad enough I want to hide in the back room where it’s cooler with less windows. I may test the theory of doing an exercise one at a time and not doing all in quick succession. Like watch tv and do one here and there. Better than nothing in theory, right? I made a list of them and nofficial silly names to remember them, like the drum major, chicken flap, air traffic controller, waitress bend, and newly coined: muscle-man-double-deoderant-check. Let’s see how many I can remember without even checking the list.

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