Tuesday, April 12, 2022

General Pen Misconception and Uniball Vision Elite revisit

See, I do have reason to have been confused about the issue of different types of pens. I once got a pen I swear the packaging said “rollerball” and it felt like ballpoint, but very smooth, like the ones I’ve been mentioning. So silly me, I thought ok, maybe there’s some internal mechanism that makes something a “rollerball” vs any other pen. Then I saw a website profess that the only difference between gel and rollerball pens are the type of ink they use. Recently I was looking up pens online to see if I could note the specific type I had, and I swear I saw something claiming to be a gell rollerball. Hmmm, I guess if the mechanisms are the same, in essence they almost all have balls that roll, aside from felt or nib pens. But otherwise, this is where my confusion comes from. Yes, I guess you shouldn’t trust everything you see online. I didn’t think of what purpose pen stores have to purposely deceive so I didn’t question them until somewhat recently. I saw the reference claiming rollerballs were considerably smoother than gel pens, and I thought I was using mainly gel pens, and they were pretty decent, so I thought man, I’ve gotta try rollerballs if they’re even better. Suffice it to say I do have a couple rollers that I didn’t realize were such, and some gels that seem comparable to the uni-ball Vision Elite I tried recently, so that is why I wasn’t blown away by it. (also have to start writing their name correctly: lowercase uni-ball with a hyphen.) I ended up exchanging the uni-ball Vision Elite blue black (ha!) color I refer to as “Little Boy Blue-Gray,” for plain black, and it is much more palatable and helped me have a fresh perspective. It really isn’t a bad little pen. I just didn’t think it was leaps and bounds above pens I already had. And the blue-gray one I had took several lines to “break in” and get the edgy crustiness off, so the initial impression, in addition to the laughable color, was “what the??” This is the best, smoothest pen in the world? I did like it enough to even consider exchanging for black, and it is a good little pen. I will have to get out a bunch of black pens for a pen-off to compare side by side, sometime.

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