Thursday, February 8, 2024

All Day Shoes

I love my shoes. To a point. When I get home, I want to take them off at the door. #1: germs. #2, my feet get tired of them. Don’t get me wrong – my Hoka Clifton 9s are the most comfy shoe I’ve ever had (thanks for the recommendation, Shanna!). It’s like walking on small but stable bouncey balls kids sit on. Instead of step, step, clod, clod, it’s Boing! Boing! But I have to lace any shoe up pretty right or my heels slide out. Especially with the new fasciitis inserts I got. Yes, I’ve tried the little pads you can glue to the inside of the heel. Don’t ask. Even after only 8-11 hours of wearing them, the laces are so tight, I have permanent welts/sores on my feet from where the knot ties, below the ankle. But after meeting with a valid podiatrist (and after several months of pain) I’m going to follow the recommendation to wear shoes everywhere. The good news is they aren’t pushing a night splint yet. Those look like medieval torture. I like to fidget my feet all the time anyway, especially at night. Observing me, you’d think I have restless leg syndrome (I don’t, I’ve asked). If you put me in one of those, I swear I wouldn’t be able to sleep and would be exhausted and probably crazy by morning. So indoor shoes it is! Also more icing, anti-inflammatories, stretches, and pain gel. But the constant shoes thing is the biggest adjustment. Four weeks until my follow-up appointment. Here we go.

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