I realize this isn’t the end of the world; just another annoyance. I can’t get my prescription refill since rumor has it that it could be used to treat the virus. Solving COVID-19 is much more important than my arthritis and sun issues, but so far I hear it’s more rumor than anything being done, and I can’t get my medication. It’s not that once it’s back it supply, everything will immediately be fine. It takes 6 months of consistent use in order to work. I once made the mistake of forgetting to bring it with me for a short trip out of town, and I was in pain for about three weeks afterwards. That was my own fault, of course. I’m just saying, even skipping it for a short amount of time has longer lasting repercussions. I have deformities in my legs and hands that made me prone to arthritis. Prior to this prescription, I had taped my knees almost every day for several months. It helped a little, but the skin was so raw it was getting to be an issue.
It also allows me to go outside once in a while, as it blocks absorption of some of the sun. It’s not that I like sitting in the sun. But I eventually had to get a disabled parking permit because being out for only a few seconds caused a lot of discomfort or pain. I have tinted windows in my car, and as a passenger still held my arms above my head during a five minute ride to avoid as much light as possible. The most memorable was being inside a car on a dark rainy day with a jacket. I failed to wear long sleeves underneath my jacket and could feel the irritation where my short sleeves left off.
If the following picture comes through, this is how my skin felt: as if it was cracked and dry and the edge of every dry cracked piece was stabbing the tender skin underneath. Or possibly as if someone poured powdered glass all over my arms and that was stabbing into the pores and crevices in my skin.
Either way, it’s been pleasant being able to run brief errands, or drive to and from work without that kind of irritation or pain. So this prescription was kind of a nice respite from both of those ailments. It’ll be a bummer if I have to start all over with new prescriptions, especially since my physician has a six-month wait for an appointment, if they are even still accepting appointments with all of this going on. I just went in January and cleared vision and blood tests to get another year’s worth . . . until now.
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