Monday, December 16, 2024

Knee Physical Therapy

Going to a different physical therapy place for my knee. Being treated like a grown-up, that it’s ok to do exercises at home. In fact, it is assigned to do them at least once daily in addition to what I do there.. Exercises are kicking my hinie. Wished I would be getting better at them by now, but I’m still huffing and puffing all the time. He also threw in a couple of things for me to try with my shoulder, since I’m still waiting for my PCP to give instruction on what to do next. Probably wants an MRI on that too, but his office refuses to get the paperwork in. Would have been nice to have it before end of the year, as my insurance would have paid for it.

Speaking of which, I seem to have lost the filter between my mild pain and my mouth. Not swearing, but seems like I’m uttering mild moaning and groaning all the time, not suppressing it anymore. Oops. Guess I’m tired and that filter requires effort.

Anyway, the new physical therapist seems nice and is available after I get off work. Just not making progress as fast as I would have hoped, especially since I started a couple strengthening things before I got there. New method of taping my knee this time. Need to buy different tape and practice.

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