Saturday, December 30, 2023


So chemoprevention. Second least favorite word at the moment (cancer is #1). I don’t have cancer (yet) so I don’t need Chemotherapy, which is worse. Chemo comes from the word “chemical” supposedly, but the connotation I’ve always had is that it’s basically poison. That’s why it’s so miserable for people who have to go through it. Chemoprevention is using chemicals to prevent cancer, and likely less much less miserable, but it still has this nasty connotation, like I’m being forced to ingest poison for the idea I’m avoiding something much worse. Keep in mind there’s nothing technically wrong with me now. It’s all in the name of prevention. Maybe all prescriptions are some sort of poison, as they’re usually man-made concoctions, but I’ve never thought of them so negatively. Whereas most prescriptions advise of possible side effects, my brain is convinced that I’m guaranteed to have the negative effects of chemoprevention, because chemo is such a nasty connoted word. The chemoprevention I’m starting next month has 400+ drug interactions, 1 of which I am taking and they are choosing to ignore. Also has interaction with a couple dozen vitamins and supplements I would normally take (at least occasionally). At least 50 very common side effects and serious side effects include stroke and vision loss. Some side effects make my existing conditions worse (arthritis) and also take away supplements I’d been taking to help (ginger, vitamin c). Sounds like fun, right? Get to take this toxin a minimum of 5 years. 10 years may also be beneficial. I guess we’ll do 5 and re-evaluate then.

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