Sunday, July 7, 2024

Year Recap

It’s been a little over a year since I started semi-seriously attempting to be more active. I’m kind of on the fence what to think. My perception is that I feel worse now than I did a year ago, which is disheartening. Though if I glance over the posts a year back, there was a lot of mention of pain there too. A lot of that was pain after doing exercises. Now I seem to have static chronic pain no matter what I'm doing. It's not a horrendous level of pain, but the chronic part is starting to get to me. This hurts, that hurts, everything hurts.

I’m still afraid to do any neck stretches. Those did cause immense pain last year. The arm exercises I did at the time made me so sore, and it did seem to take forever to build up stamina. Right now though, I’m avoiding using my one arm and shoulder, and I experience pain in basic daily tasks such as showering or getting dressed. A year ago was before my foot pain, and then my knee pain. I can’t even recall any event that motivated me to try to improve.

It could be worse; but I guess I had hoped I might eventually feel a little better, given the effort I’ve put in. I’m not gung-ho by any means. I’m trying to make more gradual sustainable modifications. I’ll try to keep the faith.

I still think the work wellness coach is a joke. We can leave that for another day.

Got different cooling sheets and a cooling cover for my weighted blanket. Scared to use the blanket in case moving it somehow makes my shoulder hurt. It doesn't hurt while I'm moving it around, but I guess it could cause issues 24-48 hours later. Who knows what else I did with my shoulder that felt fine at the time, by 2 days later.

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