Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What went right today

You may think I’m bipolar, to suddenly post about something not being negative or frustrating. To be fair, I prefaced this journey saying my intent was to use this as a sounding board to myself, working through issues. When things aren’t negative issues, one doesn’t really need to write about them so much. You’re to busy being happy and going about your business not writing. Back to things that went well today.

I taped my knee and it felt much better than the compression sleeve (when it doesn’t slide down in 60 seconds or less). I was able to walk more and got 8000 steps in by the time I left work. Yay! I rarely hit 10k, and 8k is my mini-goal for the time being. The “not a complete loser” goal. Not 10k, but not horrible. I actually read somewhere that 8k can be a decent goal for elderly people to achieve significant improved benefits. Not sure how elderly I am, but I’ll take it. 4/5 of the way there, at least.

I was able to walk even on my afternoon break. Usually I start off ok, morning and lunch, but by the afternoon, I’m so tired and sore and achy I have to force myself to simply get away from my desk for a few minutes. Today I felt fine. Very rare. Probably extraordinarily rare. I’ll take the win. Double Yay.

My newer pants are comfortably lose. Not saying I can fit into a size down, since my middle is the largest part of me, and the legs are always a bit lose to start off with. But they are to the comfy stage where they would not strangle me if I over-ate and then slouched in half or something. Not that either of those things are good. But you get the idea. For me, standing up in pants and having them fit is one thing. Still feeling comfortable sittign down after lunch is another thing, even if I don’t eat too much. Just sayin'.

I had a nice conversation with a coworker in the breakroom about the trials of being old and overweight. No idea what her name is, as she works in another department, but it was a nice chat. It wasn’t just an angry gripe-fest either. It was an encouraging “hang in there” type of exchange. I didn’t think she looked very old and only moderately overweight, but she’s had some challenges and told me about her ideas and so on. It was the type of conversation that left me feeling more chipper and energized. I’m generally introverted and not one to reap energy from talking to others, so this is saying something.

Although I’m avoiding using my right arm and shoulder for much (the let it rest stage) it’s not feeling too bad so far. By this time of day I usually do something inadvertently that causes an unfortunate stab and regret. So far so good. Small mile-stone, but I’ll take it. Pain-free is pain-free. Having pain or soreness in my knee, shoulder, and neck so much of the time, this is a welcome change.

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