Thursday, July 18, 2024


I’ve got appointments set up for a sports medicine doctor and a rheumatologist in the next couple of months (they’re booked out a bit). In the meantime I’m looking at youtube videos for exercise ideas for the shoulder and upper arm. Not sure what’s wrong with it, so I don't know what exercises help or hurt. At least I’m discovering definitively what movements cause pain here, there, and everywhere so I can report to the docs. Taking otc pills and various topicals. Looking at supplements and food choices to decrease inflammation. Doing the leg lift exercises recommended last time for the knee. I’m up to 10 pounds, and need to go get heavier weights to pile on. In the meantime, depending on the day, it hurts to write and type. Guessing I should spend more time researching how to help myself, so that’s where I’ll be if I’m not here.

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