Friday, July 12, 2024

The Downfall of Doc-in-the-Box

Been putting off scheduling an appointment for my shoulder. It’s been bugging me since April. Now my upper arm hurts. Glack. If I ask my PCP, he wants an MRI before even looking at it. You go to a walk-in clinic, they say you’re not dying, go see your PCP. They used to only do that for Emergency centers. So that sucks. I heard I could try a rheumatologist, but they throw long-term (permanent) drugs at you so I don’t really want to try that either. I tried to schedule an appointment with the last Dr. I saw for the knee (she was nice and helpful) but she’s booked until October. Ok, I’m not dying. I get it. I can still use my other arm, chug some otc meds and simply not do certain activities, like writing with a pen. Guess I could make a game out of it, like see how much weight I can try to lose by then. Since they usually say everything is caused by being overweight. Another reason I delayed going this long.

Guess I’m mildly irritated. Walking is good for weight loss, but isn’t pleasant since my knee and leg swells up. I can only do my arm supposed HIIT exercises with one arm now, so I’m not sure how high intensity they truly are at that point . . . Not sure what good exercises are left out there besides swimming. Probably time to try youtube and see what they recommend. Maybe I'll be all better by October. Yeah right.

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