Thursday, May 16, 2024

2 Weeks Post Op

Currently at 2 weeks and a few hours after surgery. Still have a big bruise on my hand from the IV. I may be a weakling, but I’m not up to 60 minutes of activity a day. More importantly, a friendly website about recovery for my specific surgery said that it’s ok. It really is/was a major surgery where multiple internal organs are impacted, and it takes 6-8 weeks to heal and function at any level of normalcy. So just because I did 9k+ steps on Tuesday, I don’t need to beat myself up if I can’t do that every single day. It’s normal to have energy one day, and feel like napping the next. It’s easy to overdo it (think I did last Saturday) and it doesn’t help to torture your body over-doing it when it’s trying to heal and get back to normal. It’s great to take lots of small walks here and there to not be completely sedentary, but the resting and healing a lot is still a real thing. Even stretching some body parts is not a good thing. So many things adjacent or connected enough that you don’t realize a stretch was a bad idea.

In the meantime I’ll do what I can. It won’t do any good to injure myself trying to do too much too fast. And that’s ok.

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