Thursday, May 23, 2024

3 Weeks Post Op

I should be posting that 3 weeks after surgery I’m continually doing better. Apartment management gave a day’s notice for an inspection, so I overdid it while cleaning and am still sore. My husband did the major work, but I felt compelled to do what I could (which wasn’t much). I didn’t take any otc pain relief until no more work was left. I figured that way I wouldn’t overtax myself even more, not feeling the subtle pains of over-exertion. I’m pretty sure there's no permanent damage, but feel sore and grumpy about the whole thing.

I have walked as much as 16 minutes at a time, which is on track for increasing 5 minute increments per week. Still have a that bruise and a tender bump underneath it, which I asked the surgeon’s office about. It’s nothing emergent, so they'll get back later. It's just driving me crazy wondering if it’s permanent or will go away. Bruises are finally gone from the IV’s in my hands and I only have little dot scars that might fade over time.

I forget exactly what day I decided maybe it was better to simply recover and eat healthy food rather than focus on losing weight at the same time. For example: protein is good for rebuilding tissue and staying full, and I usually lack in that area. For now I'd rather focus on getting protein rather than skimping on calories. Yes, I'm a wimp.

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