Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tai Chi and Week 4

Not much blog-worthy to report this week. Four weeks since surgery, two more before returning to work. Never wanted to exercise with weights so much, and never so bored of walking. Not sure I can do anything like those walking videos/programs where you do more than march in place. Not yet. Not even sure I can do certain stretches yet, and I keep going back to what the surgeon advised: why risk it.

Tried following some basic crochet youtube videos and became frustrated as it took me far too long to realize I was practicing incorrectly. May revisit, but not the best start, and I get frustrated with these things far too easily. Kind of knew the risk, but I've got all this time, right?

Went back to seated Tai Chi and generally enjoying it. Haven't found an ideal instructor or series yet, but trying to be open minded and learn what I can. Most youtube videos are geared more towards watch and immitate. I would prefer to learn and memorize so I could do this anywhere – not merely when glued in front of a screen. It's nice there are so many adapted for being seated, and I may get the idea how to adapt the standing ones, the more I watch. Sounds like Qi Gong is related, so I might look into that as well.

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