Sunday, May 5, 2024


I might end up posting more than anticipated out of boredom, if nothing else. I’m approved for 6 weeks off work from this major surgery. I’ve been out two days and am already going stir-crazy. I slept most of surgery day afterwards, and a bit of the next day (does that count as day 1 or day 2?). I stopped taking prescription pain pills yesterday on day three, and am only taking otcs, but very religiously, to stay ahead of pain. Still hurts occasionally, especially if I cough or such, but overall, I’m surprised how well I’m feeling. Walking is supposed to be great. I can’t cover much ground indoors, and unfortunately outdoors involves getting dressed, stairs and weather. Had my first outing yesterday and I did notice how my stride is different with an actual destination vs. shuffling around indoors. We’ll see what I can do. It’s only one flight of stairs, but my knee doesn’t appreciate them (and my silly Fitbit refuses to acknowledge them, which defiance is irritating). So far the weather is cooler than normal – ideal for me, because I hate the heat.

The sad part is when you gain 6 pounds overnight because you’ve formed the habit of getting on the scale every morning no matter what. And you eat nothing but saltine crackers and pills the first couple of days and keep gaining. When you think “yay” that your appetite has not returned yet, even though you should probably still eat a little bit of healthy food to promote digestion and healing. I used to be able to pour a 2 cup bowl of blueberries and munch on it all morning. The other day I poured a cup in a bowl and it took 4 separate visits to finish it.

I’m very grateful the pain is bearable and hopefully the worst is over. Sounds like day two is the worst. Bruises are surfacing and incisions itch, but otherwise surviving remarkably well.

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