Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Still waiting for MRI shoulder followup

Started practicing using my non-dominant hand, in case I do need surgery. Not much else I can do while I wait to find the prognosis. It’s interesting how many things become awkward. I can eat, brush my teeth ok. Opening a door that seems designed to open with the opposite hand is weird. Door opening is the type of thing one can usually navigate either way. But if you only had one hand to use . . . I usually give up and use the arm that makes sense with the way the door is angled, because it doesn’t seem worth the trouble.

Went out of town for holiday and my exercises went out the window. I did them at first, but my hip got so tight . . . . I tried to do the stretches alone 2-3 times a day and couldn’t loosen things up. it was painful enough I thought, I’m on vacation, I’m supposed to be having a good time, to heck with this. The other challenge is that the stretch involves using my bad arm/shoulder. My knee is already torn completely through. It might not make a huge difference if I delay PT exercises. There might still be hope for my shoulder. After my trip I started up knee exercises again slowly, but I’m not going to over-do it. Would rather wait a bit to meet with the shoulder expert. Then they might be able to confirm exactly what movements will or will not create more damage. Almost all of the exercised I’d been given previously hurt, but they always say yeah, it’s still good for you. Now that we have more detailed MRI imaging, and multiple tears, I’d like to confirm what’s ok.

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