Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Tired. Lot of tension and pain in my neck. Found this helpful youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIfTXp5L1kE Yay.

I probably should have done a lot more work preparing, watching videos, reading recommendations on surgery recovery, but at this point, I’m too tired. If I do any more, it’s probably going to be counterproductive and stress me out more. I did watch one short video how to get in and out of bed with less pain, and that’s great. I should have spent much more time finding things like that. I’m going to have to defer to my wonderful spouse and afterwards and whine to him, to find additional videos as needed (when I’m too tired and cranky to want to).

I think all the over-the-counter pain meds have finally purged from my system, because today everything hurts. That, and the super strong anti-inflammatory I was on for my knee. It’s like every single joint in my body hurts, whether I’m using it or not. I didn’t do any excessive typing or writing, and little crevices in my hands hurt without reason. Maybe this is what I’m supposed to naturally feel like, getting old. No vitamins or anti-inflammatory supplements either, of course.

Life in Croc-land is going well so far. Nice to not trip over laces or take as long putting my shoes on when I've been in bed. Still builging up to wearing them more here and there, but so far so good.

One and a half days until surgery. I may not post for while during recovery. Most of these recent posts have been burning off nervous energy. We'll see.

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