Monday, April 29, 2024

Asserting the Alter-Ego

At work they pretend to be nice by collecting a list of your favorite items. I say pretend because this would be the perfect occasion for them to be nice, like give me a little care pkg for my ordeal, but I know I won't get so much as a get well card. But I filled it out anyway.

I chose to try to fill it out as if asserting my slightly healthier self. I didn’t just put things I’m supposed to like, that are completely unrealistic. But I thought about what would I eat first at a potluck if I was given free reign and first pick. Honestly, I would go after the fruit. It tastes good, it’s filling, and if someone else spent the money on it, I’ll never pass up things like fresh pineapple or raspberries. (pretty much any berries except maybe gooseberries? Not sure about those; haven’t tried them). For cookies, I put gingersnaps (previously had been Oreos). For dessert I put fruits. I still included a couple guilty pleasures like salty stuff. If that’s the worst thing on my list, that’s still a vast improvement. Did I fully buy into my list? Mostly. It’s not as if anyone is going to run out and get me any of this stuff. But if they did, I could be perfectly happy with gingersnaps.

There’s a story that a WW member used to always walk out of the grocery store with a candy bar in hand, eating it on the way out the door. Then one day the person looks down and realizes that they tore open a banana and didn’t even realize or miss the candy bar. That transition sometimes takes longer than we'd like. It’s always good to dream, right?

Two and a half days until surgery.

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