Thursday, March 28, 2024

Curse of the T-Rex Arms

Third exercise regret in 8 days culminating last Sunday. My co-worker diagnosed me with T-Rex Arms. The last two, I tried new exercise videos on youtube that didn’t seem that bad while doing them. They caught up with me later. My own fault on the last one. Suffice it to say, when you’ve done arm exercises without weights for so long and you decide to spice it up by using a little 1.5 pound weight, you shouldn’t start out with 60 reps just to show how long you can do it before getting tired. 30 probably would have been plenty. Maybe 20 each of several different arm exercises I’ve been doing. A little here and there, and it still adds up, right?

It’s surprising how much you use those arm and shoulder muscles throughout the day when you don’t realize it. Mainly hurt on one side, but that was enough. Took all week to be able to move freely again. Thus my aversion to soreness and going to quickly. It doesn’t pay off if you do so much that it hurts to move the rest of the week. Granted, I did find some fun seated Tai Chi things.

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